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  • tom 9:18 am on October 15, 2009 Permalink
    Tags: nascar   

    Some Pics From Nascar 

    I had a few hundred megabytes of pics from the NASCAR race that I wanted to put up here but I decided to reduce the size of each photo so they’d be friendlier for internet.  I’ve posted three groups, some are mine and others from Stevie and Darin.  There’s a directory index of the folders here: Folder Index And the individual groups here: NASCAR 1NASCAR 2NASCAR 3

    The photo album  isn’t the prettiest and there is a bit of noise in there because I just uploaded everything from the cameras.  But you might enjoy a few of the captured moments.

  • tom 9:00 am on October 11, 2009 Permalink
    Tags: nascar   

    Sunday Morning NASCAR 

    Last night was a bit wilder and much closer to what I thought the infield would be like.  The row in front of us is all Marine Corps and other volunteers and those kids were a bloody hoot to play with.  I vaguely remember being able to treat my liver the way they were last night; It was fun to live vicariously for a little while.

    Jabbering with pal John Keegan while listening to the generators all firing up for coffee, TV and all the other devices we need these days.  Technology rules!

    Our neighbors to the left (Craig and Tyse) have some pals over to help with towing the cars if needed.  It’s pretty cool to have “insiders” here to know WTF is going on a little before everyone else.  Anyways, one of their wives brought a friend from SLO (they both go to Cuesta, where Kerri started her college adventure) and she hooked up with one of the Marines across the way.  Like I said, it’s fun watching the younger folks go through the same stuff (in a different way) that we all went through.  She made a classic (classic!) quote this morning that I wanted to somehow work into this post in a tasteful manner but I just can’t get to that level of creativity (I’m not sure I can dig that deep at all).  It was funny as all get-out but I just can’t republish it here and feel good about myself.  And I know I’ll forget it in 20 minutes.  Oh well… that’s life.

    Oh yeah:  So the Marines are packing up so they can work the rest of the day and then take off.  They’re disciplined MoFos, for sure.  I called across the fence at this one kat and offered to keep his beer cold while he was gone and he told me that he had to be done drinking for the weekend so I could have the rest of his 36-pack of Bud Light.  There were 20 or so beers in there and it was just what we needed to get through the rest of the day.  But then his pal asked if we drank Bacardi at all.  Of course we do!  So we got a half handle of Bacardi Gold too.   Totally cool of them!

    Need to charge this laptop up s’more.  Will post in the afternoon if I’m not at the track.  Peace!

  • tom 4:52 pm on October 10, 2009 Permalink
    Tags: nascar   

    Saturday Afternoon: Matty Is Here 

    Terry and I headed out to see the Nationwide race and being that it was Saturday we only needed our wristbands and could sit anywhere we pleased (unless someone else was already in a particular seat of course).  We sat for about an hour but it was so loud and I was so hungry we decided to bolt and look for food and find the Fan View kit so we could see and hear from our own camp site.

    I got back and decided a brief nap was in order and when I woke up Darin had returned from picking up his youngest, Matty, as the next participant at the race.  It’s really nice having the young soul with us… something to keep us all on our toes and add some entertainment for the rest of the weekend.  I really wish I would have brought Ben or Abby but I thought it was going to be too chaotic.  Next year, for sure.

    On our way back from the track I played with some of the employees who happened to be in a 6-seater golf cart and asked for a ride.  Rather than make the 1000 yard walk we got a ride to within 100 feet of our campsite.  Very cool of them.  They’re local folks living just ten minutes away from the track.  And again, very cool to give me and Terry a break from the walking.

    Having a beer in near perfect weather (it might even be a bit cooler than I’d like!) and sitting around the camp with Darin, Kent and Terry.  Things are pretty good right now.  Oh, except AT&T’s SMS isn’t working, even though I have full signal.  Been trying to reply to Kerri for a couple of hours but nothing will go out. 🙁  Gonna send her an email and then visit with the Navy guys for a bit.

  • tom 8:30 am on October 10, 2009 Permalink
    Tags: nascar   

    Saturday Morning NASCAR 

    We stayed up a bit later last night as compared to Thursday and I slept through the difference.  It ended up being worth it because the market doesn’t open until 7am so getting up at 5am results in 2 hours of pain until coffee.  Terry got up before me this time and grabbed some coffee but Steve (Kent’s brother) thwarted me and grabbed my cup before I got up.  Truly a “snooze you lose” situation.  It’s all good though… he brought a keg yesterday so if anyone is gonna tap my coffee it ought to be him.  And when I grabbed some for myself I loaded up for Darin and Kent; Gotta protect the man with the spot and our chef.

    I kept hearing stories of the insanity that goes on at night before I arrived.  I’m not 19 anymore and therefore was not looking forward to seeing more than family fun.  Thankfully our row of campers is very family oriented so we got to have the kind of fun I was looking for.  I don’t think things got too crazy elsewhere either because I talked to the Navy guys across the way from us and they were all disappointed in what (didn’t) happen.  I feel bad for them… if I were their age I’d want the mayhem.  Neighbor Tom (not my mirror) is over so I’ll wrap up for now.

  • tom 7:16 pm on October 9, 2009 Permalink
    Tags: nascar   

    Met More Neighbors 

    We had some flat tires to deal with on our bicycles so once we got through those I had to take them for a test run to know they’d work properly.  I met another set of neighbors with kids just older than my own and they were as nice as could be.  We tossed some football for a bit and they schooled me (more) in the ways of NASCAR.

    Heck, I even learned to make a fire NASCAR-style:  Put a bunch of wood in a pile, dump some gasoline on it and set a lighter to it.  Works like a charm.

    I wish Kerri and the kids were here but I had heard that this place goes off the hook at night and I don’t intend on exposing my kids to that any time soon.  And while that may exist in some parts of the infield, where we are is subdued and family oriented.  Next year for sure.

    Oh!  I keep forgetting that last night I met the mayor of “Twentynine Palms”.  Normally I could give two shits about that but since we just finished Ross’ race out there last Sunday I thought the timing was rather coincidental.  I got his card.  And told him that we could have done without that last climb into the finish for next year.  Not his decision to make but he must have some influence.  He said that he had a deep respect for anyone who finished at all and was glad to know about Ross.  Small world, eh?

  • tom 4:56 pm on October 9, 2009 Permalink
    Tags: nascar   

    The “Wax Burger” At Auto Club Speedway 

    We all sat around the neighbor’s table for a while, telling stories and what not but eventually Terry felt a tug toward the FanZone area where all the trucks for the drivers were.  It’s a bit of a hike to get over there (maybe a mile or more) but I was feeling the ants in my pants too so we set off together to see what the future might hold for us.

    It was cool because most of the same stuff was there as we saw last night but less than half the people.  We bought a couple of things and snapped a few pics but mostly we talked about racing.  Since I know the least in the group I listened pretty intently and asked several dumb questions (Terry was very patient).

    On our way back, about 3/4 of the way, we jumped a tram that ended up removing about 500 yards of walking.  I met a nice woman and her mother and talked about her daughter needing antibiotics.  Her daughter is just one year older than my Abby so it was pretty interesting.  But still I thought to myself, “wow, I can’t imagine bringing my kids here until they’re at least in their teens”.  That feeling may change as the weekend goes on but for now it would seem weird to me.

    When we actually returned to our camp site Kent and Darin were finishing up what is now known to me as “The Wax Burger”.  It was a regular 1/3 pound beef patty with pastrami, cheddar cheese, Dijon mustard and thousand island dressing.  Holy mackerel!  It was awesome and came just at the right time.  Apparent;y since he cooked for me tonight I have to be his “runner” all day tomorrow.  Totally worth it!  I’d do it again in a heartbeat.  Actually, I’ll let you know what my fetching duties involve tomorrow and see if I’m comfy reiterating.

  • tom 12:22 pm on October 9, 2009 Permalink
    Tags: nascar   

    More Friday NASCAR 

    Met several more of Darin and Kent’s semi-permanent neighbors… all cool people.  We cracked beers a little earlier than most Sundays during football season but by 11am it was time for us to mosy on over to King Tacos (a stand inside the infield) for burritos and other pipe-cleaning foods.

    Once we wrapped up there we strolled through the Camping World exhibit and checked out the newest, coolest gear.  I’ll need to buy a couple of things before I leave.  Then we noticed a “Blowout Sale” truck which had t-shirts, hats, etc., from races past.  What normally goes for $25 was going for $3-$5.  Crazy.  I grabbed a few things and as I was heading out the engines started.  The pros out there are starting their practice runs.  It’s pretty loud but this being my first time and not having a real feel for just how fast those cars go, I stared in awe at the speed with which these guys took the corners.  And how bloody close they all were to each other.  It’s mind-blowing.  Sitting with neighbors for a few more mins and then gonna walk the infield for a bit and see what’s cookin with everyone else.  Will post pictures at some point.  Probably next year. 🙂

  • tom 6:25 am on October 9, 2009 Permalink
    Tags: nascar   

    Autoclub Speedway — First Night 

    Neighbor Darin has a couple of spots on the infield at Autoclub Speedway in Fontana and invited me down for the weekend to see the race, real NASCAR style.  We headed down Thursday night and got setup in less than an hour.  Kerri’s Dad (Terry) came down too.  He’s a real NASCAR fan… I barely understand what’s going on but I do enjoy the left turns when he’s in town.

    Thursday night is “Fan Appreciation Night” which basically means a bunch of the drivers or crew are out at their huge schwag vans signing autographs and giving away hats and tee shirts, etc.  It was really quite a site to see the rows of massive trailers, all outfitted with each driver’s colors and gear.  We got to take pictures next to the cars but didn’t wait in line to meet any of the drivers because they were too long for us.

    So far the people in the infield are really nice.  Darin has been doing this for 6 or 7 years and always has the same spot so he knows his neighbors pretty well.  We hadn’t even finished parking before the trash talking began between a couple of them.  Seems like they’ve had great times in the past together.

    I crashed early on a lounge chair next to the fire, opting to sleep under the stars instead of inside the trailer.  I think I’ll make that my spot for the weekend.  Got up around 5am only to realize that I never thought about morning coffee while packing things.  Computer and mobile hotspot?  Check.  Coffee?  Doh!  There’s a store inside here and I’m hoping they sell the stuff.  If not I’ll commence begging from the neighbors once they begin to stir.  Terry got up shortly after me and is feeling equally deprived.  This may be the first time in history I’ve gotten up before him, except for times when I was fixing a downed server but those don’t count.

    The sun is just showing signs of coming up so I’ll wrap up here and head over to the little market to see if they’re open yet.

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