We haven’t been out to Terry and Nancy’s for a couple of years and it’s been three since we were here for Thanksgiving so we were really looking forward to making it up here. We left on Wednesday morning and while traffic was already starting to get thick where the 405 and I-5 meet, our path up the 14 FWY was light and easy.
We’ve seen weather all over the place, from below freezing mornings to afternoons that weren’t as warm as the morning before. We got a nice bit of snow Friday night and it hovered right around 32 degrees for most of the night and today.
The Thanksgiving meal was awesome as usual and the company was even better. We had our family with Kerri’s parents and the neighbors (John and Janet) with their daughter and son-in-law. I’ve written about John and Janet before: They constantly spoil our kids and John is always playing some sort of joke on me. I can’t imagine a trip out here without at least some time with those folks… it just wouldn’t be the same.
Newsflash Thanksgiving morning: Molly tells me that she and boyfriend Marty are getting married! Woohoo! Made the whole day just a little bit better.
Kerri, Nancy and neighbor Janet all went out to the Black Friday sales Friday morning but none of that 3am nonsense. They gathered at 7am-ish and made their way to the stores. Of course, none of the stuff they were interested in was still available but they did get some shopping done and besides, half the point of going was to witness a Black Friday sale in person. Apparently (and thankfully) things were pretty calm.
Watching the kids on Friday fell to me and Terry but we were up to the task. Why, those kids ate well, played well and started taking college courses online all while the ladies were out shopping. We’d take charge more often but the kids would be off to university in a month working on some sort of weaponry with a government grant that could ultimately be used in war and I just couldn’t live with that; Some kid raised by less talented parents would eventually sell the secret sauce to an enemy state and all hell could break loose!
In the afternoon we went to the movies and saw Planet 51. It was a clever but not my favorite of the recent animated movies. Then back home and then back out again to Johhny Rockets in Carson City. The meal was good but I really only bring it up because of the cool dancing the wait staff did during various songs. Perhaps they do that at all Johnny Rockets establishments but that’s the first time I had seen it. Some time between our arrival for dinner and our departure it had begun to snow. That continued until after we all went to bed. That may not seem bad (it’s not really) but since I smoke outside it was a little harsh for this tender SoCal boy.
We had initially planned on leaving this morning but with snow all about and more still reported in Mammoth (which is on my route home) we decided to wait an additional day since Sunday is *supposed* to be clear. I don’t trust those darn weather tards but I decided to roll the bones. We’ll see when I wake up. And since we had snow-where to go (get it? Hah!) we decided to get some snow time in. We build a snowman (two actually) and had a fairly brutal snowball fight. I’m sure you’re all remembering that I live in sunny SoCal and the kids rarely see the snow so I’m sure y’all are thinking, wow! that snow stuff must have been wicked-fun! That’s right people, it was fun. I said we built two snowmen because the first one committed suicide. A neighbor thought we didn’t balance the second and third tiers properly but I’m telling you, that snowman smirked at me and rolled his own mid-section and head straight off, just as we were gathering around to take a picture. We built the second with less emotional problems and it worked out fine.
At some points during this trip the kids watched Kung-Fu Panda. Ben and I have been doing the kung-fu thing every so often and usually unexpectedly at first. Thankfully I’m done having kids because one of his surprise attacks basically sealed that deal.
So now I’m gonna go crack a beer and relax so I’m in tip-top shape for driving home in the morning. If I don’t post again by 6pm PST on Sunday I’ve either been snowed in and all internet connectivity has been lost or I slid off the road somewhere near Mammoth and have been eaten by a bear.
I’ll post pics and videos once I get home.
That was too easy. Nice little app — Thanks Automattic!