7 Years Ago Today Was The Best Superbowl Ever!
I remember like it was yesterday: The Panthers petered out at the end and let Brady’s idiot Patriots take the game. No worries though… since my Packers weren’t in it I didn’t really care what was going on so me and Abs just enjoyed the hootin’ and hollerin’ from those who did have a dog in that race.
I forget why Kerri and Ben weren’t there. Wait, I remember: They were at the hospital recovering from giving birth and being born (respectively) at 4:45 that morning.
My 2.5 years experience as a parent to Abby was of little use when it came to trying to figure out the boy; I was a newbie all over again. Abby had never pee’d me right in the face nor did she have other gear in the way for poop to gather by slather (sorry, that was gross). She never tried to climb out of her crib, making the 4 foot drop to the ground, landing on her back, right on top of a plastic toy. She never shaved her fingertips by jamming her hand into a paper shredder. She never hit others for the pure joy of seeing them cry or to forcibly get hold of a toy. It was all so different.
I remember my pal Elliot telling me that it was going to be a very different relationship. Boy was he ever right. Me and the girl are tight; I’m her safe zone and she’s my endless supply of sugar. Me and the boy get stoked about the same things. Abby loves to learn new things from me. Ben is eager to know those same new things but the learning process is tough when he’s plotting to take over the household. I’m trying to teach Abby that her individuality is to be fiercely protected and that what others think matters not. I’m rearing Ben to be an upstanding, confident young man. There’s a lot of overlap of course but some very specific distinctions. It’s like raising two completely different children! 😉
All of the bumbling type above serves nicely as proof that I should remain in the computer industry and leave writing to the professionals. Believe it or not, I sat down to simply memorialize Big Ben’s birthday but as usual it turned out more like me playing the “telephone” game with myself.
Happy birthday kiddo!