The Last Thing I Trust Is My Own Judgment
I don’t get truly introspective often enough. Perhaps it’s because, like placing your hand in boiling water, one’s brain protects against engaging in activities that it knows are painful. While soaking my fingers in a pot of softening noodles recently I had to admit to myself that I could be “missing something” when it comes to my cynical view on teachers. Teachers, after all, have a difficult and important job; Measuring “results” is at least subjective and worse, getting those “results” is often out of a teacher’s control (due to dictated curriculum and other policies). The point here is, I think we spend too much money on schools and I feel like too many [otherwise] smart people suggest that we don’t spend enough on schools, teachers, etc. There’s quite a disconnect.
I don’t think my views are completely without warrant but because I know so many great people who happen to be teachers or related in some way (administrative, union reps, etc.) I feel like I might be missing something. Actually, I feel like I MUST be missing something. I wonder too if teachers are missing views of their kids’ parents and if there’s some way to build a bridge across the gorge of perspective lying between us.
I’m just “lil ‘ol me” so this may not work but I’ll put out there that I’d love to schedule a conference call with teachers and those in related positions so I can express my concerns while listening to theirs. It’s true that I’m a passionate man when it comes to my understanding of things but it is also true that I am flexible in the face of logic. Heck, I might have my facts wrong or I may not be seeing a piece of a picture that is critical to the equation. I promise to be civil and fair. I do NOT promise to agree with things that are incorrect. 🙂
Any teachers or “related” who would want to be involved? I’d be willing to pay for a conference line so folks could call in and we could discuss if there was enough interest. Just send me an email ( and if there is reasonable interest I’ll get it setup. I’ll certainly respond to anyone who expresses interest, either way. Two expressions of interest would make it worthwhile. Ten or more would make it seem unwieldy (There’s only so much hammering one man can take).