Saturday Morning NASCAR
We stayed up a bit later last night as compared to Thursday and I slept through the difference. It ended up being worth it because the market doesn’t open until 7am so getting up at 5am results in 2 hours of pain until coffee. Terry got up before me this time and grabbed some coffee but Steve (Kent’s brother) thwarted me and grabbed my cup before I got up. Truly a “snooze you lose” situation. It’s all good though… he brought a keg yesterday so if anyone is gonna tap my coffee it ought to be him. And when I grabbed some for myself I loaded up for Darin and Kent; Gotta protect the man with the spot and our chef.
I kept hearing stories of the insanity that goes on at night before I arrived. I’m not 19 anymore and therefore was not looking forward to seeing more than family fun. Thankfully our row of campers is very family oriented so we got to have the kind of fun I was looking for. I don’t think things got too crazy elsewhere either because I talked to the Navy guys across the way from us and they were all disappointed in what (didn’t) happen. I feel bad for them… if I were their age I’d want the mayhem. Neighbor Tom (not my mirror) is over so I’ll wrap up for now.