More Friday NASCAR

Met several more of Darin and Kent’s semi-permanent neighbors… all cool people.  We cracked beers a little earlier than most Sundays during football season but by 11am it was time for us to mosy on over to King Tacos (a stand inside the infield) for burritos and other pipe-cleaning foods.

Once we wrapped up there we strolled through the Camping World exhibit and checked out the newest, coolest gear.  I’ll need to buy a couple of things before I leave.  Then we noticed a “Blowout Sale” truck which had t-shirts, hats, etc., from races past.  What normally goes for $25 was going for $3-$5.  Crazy.  I grabbed a few things and as I was heading out the engines started.  The pros out there are starting their practice runs.  It’s pretty loud but this being my first time and not having a real feel for just how fast those cars go, I stared in awe at the speed with which these guys took the corners.  And how bloody close they all were to each other.  It’s mind-blowing.  Sitting with neighbors for a few more mins and then gonna walk the infield for a bit and see what’s cookin with everyone else.  Will post pictures at some point.  Probably next year. 🙂