Autoclub Speedway — First Night

Neighbor Darin has a couple of spots on the infield at Autoclub Speedway in Fontana and invited me down for the weekend to see the race, real NASCAR style.  We headed down Thursday night and got setup in less than an hour.  Kerri’s Dad (Terry) came down too.  He’s a real NASCAR fan… I barely understand what’s going on but I do enjoy the left turns when he’s in town.

Thursday night is “Fan Appreciation Night” which basically means a bunch of the drivers or crew are out at their huge schwag vans signing autographs and giving away hats and tee shirts, etc.  It was really quite a site to see the rows of massive trailers, all outfitted with each driver’s colors and gear.  We got to take pictures next to the cars but didn’t wait in line to meet any of the drivers because they were too long for us.

So far the people in the infield are really nice.  Darin has been doing this for 6 or 7 years and always has the same spot so he knows his neighbors pretty well.  We hadn’t even finished parking before the trash talking began between a couple of them.  Seems like they’ve had great times in the past together.

I crashed early on a lounge chair next to the fire, opting to sleep under the stars instead of inside the trailer.  I think I’ll make that my spot for the weekend.  Got up around 5am only to realize that I never thought about morning coffee while packing things.  Computer and mobile hotspot?  Check.  Coffee?  Doh!  There’s a store inside here and I’m hoping they sell the stuff.  If not I’ll commence begging from the neighbors once they begin to stir.  Terry got up shortly after me and is feeling equally deprived.  This may be the first time in history I’ve gotten up before him, except for times when I was fixing a downed server but those don’t count.

The sun is just showing signs of coming up so I’ll wrap up here and head over to the little market to see if they’re open yet.