Happy(?) Memorial Day

It’s always a strange thing for me to say “Happy Memorial Day” as it honors those who have died in service to this country.  What should make this a “happy” day?  It’s kinda like saying “Happy Good Friday” (the day Jesus was killed).  “Strange” is probably the wrong word.  Perhaps it’s with “mixed feelings” that I say such things.

There is indeed cause to be happy and I think many of the men and women who died would have insisted that we celebrate their memories as we bask in the freedom they helped provide by their blood, fear, anguish and ultimate death.

I think their sacrifice also demands that we remain vigilant to protect the freedoms (directly in the name of liberty) they died for.  I say this almost every year but it remains my most appreciated anecdote from a survivor who’s life was saved by another man who died to save him: “He gave up all of his tomorrows so that I could live that day”.  Let’s not forget or take for granted that we have “tomorrows” because of the sacrifices made by these brave men and women, all of whom had hopes, dreams, families, love and crushes and otherwise long lives in front of them.  They deserve to have us cherish what we have and for us to fight hard to preserve the liberty for which they died.