8 years with Citi Bank for a credit card…

8 years with Citi Bank for a credit card, never a late payment and my interest rate got jacked to 17.99% with no warning. Called and asked what the prob was and they told me my contract allowed for it. Totally… I know it does. But *why* did they do it? No reason could be provided.

Sent in a check today to pay it off and will cancel once that check is processed. What about others who have always paid on time who don’t have the means to simply pay off their card in one shot?

I’m not in favor of regulating this behavior necessarily but I do think some of these card companies are doing permanent harm to their reputations with this recent type of behavior. Oh, and did I mention that I also have a bank account with Citi? Yes, that’ll be closed too. Howz that feel Shitty-Bank?